Saturday, March 16, 2013

I'm still here ...

Yes, I am still here. I should leave some type of instruction in my will for a last post, but not today.

I've been busy lately, no time to really visit with myself. That's not good. We need to all take time for those moments of self-contemplation and conversation. But I have been productive. I finished Lesson 1 of Basics, Basics, Basics for TKGA and I am now knitting my way through Lesson 2. I am really enjoying the learning experience, although I know I will be going back to the videos each time I come across increase/decrease or whatever in a real pattern. My short term memory just can't handle it. But that's okay. Ruby, my wonderful MacBook (a gift from my loving sister, Susie) has it all bookmarked for me.

I did finally reach my medicine deductible and I am back on my brain meds. What a difference. It's too bad they are $600 a month. When I am insured for them, they are almost $200, but that is much better. It is just one of life's challenges to find a way to pay for them as I simply don't function without them. When I don't have them it is kind of like I have had a small stroke or something. I have trouble putting words together to talk to people and I forget to do things like bathe and cook. Not good.

I am scheduled for a trip to Georgia in a couple of weeks to help Sister move to her new home. I am looking forward to seeing Georgia, especially Atlanta, as I have never been there. Atlanta has seven yarn shops! I sure hope I can go to all of them, but I won't have a car so it will depend on Sister's schedule. I have mixed feelings about Sister moving. In part Mark and I moved to Texas to be near her and Poppy and now she is moving away. Bummer.

That's it for right now. I am anxious to finish my samples for Lesson 2 and get them in the mail.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New paragraph ...

So, I have just been to busy to visit with myself for days! I started taking my medicine again a few days ago and it is amazing how my life kicks into high gear when my brain is running right. My great neurologist worked with me for over a year to get the right combination of medicine to balance the chemicals needed to bring my function levels back to normal. He isn't sure what happened; maybe an old childhood injury, a light stroke, or a series of night seizures I have been experiencing for some time. His philosophy is to correct the problem and then worry about the cause if it continues to get worse. The problem only gets worse if I don't take the meds, so the problem is solved. So why, you say, do I ever stop the meds? Simple enough; those pills are almost $600 a month without insurance coverage. With coverage, the co-pay is $186 a month, with the balance eating you into your "doughnut hole" in about six months. That means you only have prescription medicine at all for about half the year.

Part of what I have been doing since we last talked was researching what I could do to get help with the cost of that medicine. So far, nothing. There is not a lot of help for Seniors, but what help I have found does not cover that particular medication. It is new on the market and there are no substitutes. But I do intend to do something with everything I have learned. On Monday I am calling our local Senior center and volunteering to meet with other Seniors and share my information with them. I think that is something that will be good for my mental health, especially if I can help some other Senior. Of course, I will also take my knitting along, just in case it generates some interest in a knitting circle.

Speaking of knitting, my first lesson is in the mail to TKGA! Now I wait for review and suggestions before I begin Lesson Two. Hopefully there won't be many do overs and I can get started right away on the next lesson. It felt really good to see it off. I also got Lisa's box in the mail with a couple of things I made for her.

When I am tracking properly, I always see how far behind I am on housework and such. I cleaned and organized the laundry room yesterday. I cleaned the kitchen as well, but left the floors for today. I still have dusting and vacuuming to do.

Lisa bought me a beautiful gently used side piece that I put by my knitting chair (that she also bought me) to complete my "command central" area. I am sure that was not it's intended use, but it is perfect for me. Now if I can just get Mark to do something with his half of the room. He gets a pass for right now though. He is still working two jobs AND taking two classes toward his teaching degree. He never has a moment to himself.

I also have taken a few tentative steps toward becoming politically responsible. I have spent my entire life avoiding politics because they made no sense and seemed beyond the influence of individuals. I don't think my opinion has changed much, but with our country in the mess it is in, I feel each of us has to try. So I am. I have picked one Senator from my State to communicate with. I have no way to know if he is good or bad, but I agree with what is coming out of his mouth so far. I will continue to watch his actions and send him my input. I also communicate with the President, but I have little hope that those communications ever reach his ears.

One last item, the dreaded E word. Yes, Exercise. My lovely Lisa has sent me YouTube links for chair yoga. I bought a used straight back chair at the SPCA Store, and no, I did not have one I could have used. The time is now. I made my commitment to her. Must ... do ... yoga ...