Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A life of its own . . .

Wow, this is really starting to be fun. My first page of knitting links is growing by leaps and bounds. Clearly, I spend way too much time researching about and not nearly enough time actually doing the big "K", knitting.

And now I have decided to add another page, yes, my Reference Library Bibliography. Hello, of course I have books about knitting! I spent years living in an apple orchard with no internet, I had to have some source of reference, right? Then I joined TKGA and started taking the Masters Courses, which I abandoned for the Basics, which I am finishing right now so I can move back to the Masters level. Just as soon as I do a wee bit more research. Just kidding. I only have one last swatch to finish, the "B" word, and off to Arenda it goes. So, about the books. TKGA has a recommended bibliography. I like buying books on eBay. I have the entire collection of Southern Living Cookbooks and it only took me six months to finish my collection. No, I don't really cook that much. So, the knitting library; I decided to buy my own reference library on eBay. I downloaded the TKGA list, put it in a spreadsheet, created searches and watch lists on eBay for the books I thought were relevant to the classes I would be taking, set my rules, and started the search. The rules were look for under $10 and buy nothing over $15, including shipping. I also don't buy New or less than Acceptable. Check page three for my ongoing results. I am almost complete for now. The last few are tough. They are all Barbara Walker books and hard to find for much less than $20 or $30, way out of the rules. I may have to either bend, or worse, rewrite the rules for her. Not yet, though. I have my eye on a couple of auctions for less than $10. Watch page three for updates.

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